At our ranch, there are two pilots – father and son – who are also the owners and managers, as well as an experienced pilot named Luka. The runway on our ranch is a true paradise for all sports plane enthusiasts as the pilots have a place to leave their planes, sleep, have a good meal, and be ready to continue their journey. Such a thing is a real rarity in lovely Croatia. Given that this type of tourism is quite widespread in Central Europe – and as Croatia joined the Eurozone – there is a great interest in the ranch as one of the pilot destinations in Europe.

Osnovni podaci

  • Coordinates: N = 45° 10` 42.19“ E = 18° 10` 45.84“
  • Elevation: 85 meters
  • Frequency: 123.500 MHz
  • Call sign: ZZZZ Ramarin
  • Runway direction: 08/27
  • Surface: Grass
  • Runway dimensions: 685×30
  • Self-service fuel available: EuroSuper 95
  • Landing fee: none
  • PPR required for: TMG, UL,SEP.
    PPR to be submitted via telephone and radio communication.
  • Contact: +385 98 234 006 (Luka Plivelić)
kamere uzivo
Ranč Ramarin let avionom prikaz piste i aerodroma uživo
Ranč Ramarin let avionom prikaz piste i aerodroma uživo
Ranč Ramarin let avionom - avioni
Ranč Ramarin let avionom / aerodrom - avioni
Ranč Ramarin let avionom / aerodrom - avioni
pista 2 scaled 1
pista 3 scaled 1
pista 4 scaled 1
pista 5 scaled 1
pista 7 scaled 1
pista 8 scaled 1
pista 9 scaled 1

Request for landing


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